Felix is the industry standard software program for off-line data processing, spectral visualization and analysis of high resolution, one- to four-dimensional, homonuclear and heteronuclear NMR data. It is available as a workstation product that runs on Linux or SGI and as a desktop product for Windows PCs.

Felix NMR, Inc. specializes in NMR processing and analysis software and is committed to the continued development of Felix.

   Felix ND offers a wide range of spectral
   processing and analysis tools.


   •  January 15th, 2007
       The Felix line of software products is
       transferred to Felix NMR, Inc.
       Learn more...

   •  December 2004
       Felix 2004 is now available on Linux
       workstations. Learn more...

•  User interface with icon driven functions to provide streamlined access to commonly
    used functions.
•  Flexible visualization of spectra.
•  'E-Z' macros that allow you to quickly process all spectra from one to four dimensions.
•  'E-Z' macros that allow you to flexibly incorporate a range of processing features.
•  Flexibility to customize all your macros.
•  Robust and accurate peak picking algorithms that are crucial to automated
    assignment protocols.
•  Spreadsheet like tables that allow you to easily visualize and edit the results of peak
    picking and other spectral information.
•  Multiple choices of baseline correction, solvent suppression, and peak picking

Learn more...
        www.FelixNMR.com © 2007