2D processing and analysis

About the lessons

In Lesson 1: 2D processing, display, and analysis, you will learn to process, display, and analyze 2D matrix files.

In Lesson 2: Analyzing Relaxation Data, you will learn to perform a relaxation analysis.

Lesson 1: 2D processing, display, and analysis

In this lesson you process a 2D matrix, display the spectrum using a variety of standard plotting methods, and assign the cross peaks. You start by processing a 2D matrix using the EZ macros.

This lesson takes approximately 60 minutes to complete once you are comfortable with the procedures.

1.   Setting up for the lesson

If not done yet, set up the tutorial files as described in "Setting up tutorial files" on page viii.

The files for this lesson are located in the 2D\Lesson1 folder.

When FELIX processes data it expects to see the data with the same directory structure as existed on the spectrometer. So the whole 2D\Lesson1 folder must be copied to keep the directory structure.

2.   Starting FELIX

Start FELIX by double clicking the Felix icon on your desktop, or by clicking the Start button on the Windows taskbar, then selecting Programs/Accelrys Felix 2004/Felix 2004.

If FELIX prompts you to restore from last session, click Cancel.

Change your Current Working Directory to C:\Felix_Practice\2D\Lesson1\ using the Preference/Directory... command. To start a new database, select File/New... and choose Create a new matrix or DBA file. Make sure the File Type is set to DBA(*.dba) and give the database a new filename, such as test. Click OK.

Where you create or open the .dba file will determine your working directory. To change the working folder, select Preference/Directory.

3.   Reading in the first FID

Select the File/Open menu item. Set the File Type parameter to Other Data (Bruker, Varian...). Locate and open the 1 folder (the experiment directory) to open it. Locate and click on the ser file to select it. Click OK to open the file.

FELIX displays the first FID of a 2D HSQC spectrum collected on a Bruker spectrometer.

Instead of going directly to 2D processing, first we will apply a few 1D processing functions on the displayed FID in order to get some spectral parameters.

4.   Apodizing the FID

Select the Process1D/Window Function command. Select Sinebell^2 as the apodization function. In the next control panel, leave the default parameters (512 and 90.0) and select the Real-Time option for Method.

FELIX displays the FID along with the apodization function, colored red. You may experiment with different settings of the wsize and wshift parameters, and watch their effect on the FID and the processed spectrum.

Set the Window Size parameter to 512 and the Phase Shift parameter to 90. Then click Keep.

FELIX displays the apodized FID on the screen.

5.   Transforming the FID

Select the Process1D/Transform command. The default is Complex FFT . Click OK.

6.   Phase-correcting the spectrum

Select the Process1D/Phase Correction command. In the control panel, select the Real-Time option for Method and click OK.

Click the Pivot button in the REAL-TIME PHASING dialog, and click a peak in spectrum which you would like to use for zero-order phasing. Using the first slider to adjust the Phase0 parameter to phase this peak, then adjust the Phase1 parameter as necessary.

Click OK when you are finished.

Since this is a modeless dialog, you can activate the main commands or the toolbar icons to change the spectral display when you are phasing the spectrum.

Now that you have a rough idea of the apodization and phase correction parameters, you can proceed with processing the D1(t2) dimension of the 2D data set.

Record the apodization and phase correction parameters on paper. The FELIX symbols that store these parameter may get overwritten in the following steps.


You will now open the ser file again to process a 2D spectrum.

7.   Processing the D1 (t2) dimension of the 2D data set

Select the ProcessND/Open and Process 2D... command. In the first control panel, select the previous ser file. In the next control panel, leave most of the header parameters at their default values (read from the spectrometer header files), except for these:

D1 Data Size 512
D1 Spectrometer Frequency 600.1408
D1 Sweep Width 7002.801
D2 Data Size 32
D2 Spectrometer Frequency 60.8
D2 Sweep Width 3000
Source Bruker

Click OK.

In the next control panel set the following parameter values:

Data Type Complex
Acquisition in D2 Echo/Anti-Echo

Click OK.

In the next control panel, set the following parameter values:

Dimension To Process D1 FT
Output Matrix Filename bruker.mat
Dimension 1 Size 1024
Dimension 2 Size 128
Correct DC-offset off
Correct 1st-point none
Solvent Suppression none
Window Function Sinebell^2
FT Type Complex
Phasing Mode Use Parameters
Phase0 -84.0
Phase1 0.0
Baseline Correction none
Reverse Vector off
Extract Half Spectrum Left Half
Output Level Verbose
Display Matrix on

Click OK.

The processed data will be saved in a FELIX matrix file named bruker.mat in this example. This file will be located in the folder designated for FELIX matrices. To change that folder, interactively, press the ... button next to Output Matrix Filename and navigate to the folder you want.

When the Sinebell Parameters control panel appears, enter these values:

Data Size (Points) 512
Phase Shift (Degrees) 90.0

Click OK.

Click OK again to start the D1 transform.

As the D1 transform proceeds, the progress is illustrated in the status bar. This step is often completed in less than one second.

After the first dimension is processed, FELIX shows the control panel for processing the second dimension.

8.   Processing the D2 (t1) dimension

Set the following parameter values in the control panel:

Dimension To Process D2 FT
Load Matrix in Memory off
Processing Mode bundle
Correct 1st-point none
Solvent Suppression none
Window Function Sinebell^2
Linear Prediction on
FT Type Complex
Phasing Mode Use Parameters
Phase0 0.0
Phase1 0.0
Baseline Correction none
Reverse Vector off
Output Level Verbose
Display Matrix On

Click OK.

In the Linear Prediction control panel, set these parameters:

First Point 1
Last Point 32
Start Point 33
End Point 98
Number of Coefficients 8
Method Forward-Backward

Click OK.

In the Sinebell Parameters dialog box, set these parameters:

Data Size (Points) 98
Phase Shift (Degrees) 90.0

Click OK.

Click OK to start the D2 transform.

FELIX usually completes this step in a few seconds.

When processing completes,FELIX opens the matrix since you chose to display the matrix at completion. The contour threshold is calculated, and the matrix is then displayed.

9.   Display the 2D matrix

FELIX calculates the plot levels. You can change them manually

.Select the Preference/Plot Parameters command (or click the Plot Parameters icon in the toolbar). Set the following values:

Contour Threshold 0.01
Color Scheme Fire Ramp

Leave the other values set at their defaults and click OK.

Select the Intensity or Contour options from the combo box in the toolbar to display the intensity map or contours of the spectrum, respectively.

Click the Autoscale icon in the toolbar to toggle between the proportional mode and fill-in mode.

Click the Increase Threshold and Decrease Threshold icons in the toolbar to raise or lower the threshold for spectral display.

While displaying the spectrum, the data are always read from the matrix, not from a graphics file, so that display parameters can be recalculated at any time. Hence, FELIX redraws the graph with each plot command.

At this point you could examine the D1 and D2 vectors in more detail to determine whether further baseline correction or phasing adjustments are necessary.

10.   Referencing the matrix

Referencing of the matrix happens automatically, since the header parameters are read or adjusted during processing. You can further adjust the referencing, for example, by giving more descriptive names for the axis.

Select the Preference/Reference command. In the control panel, leave every parameter at its current value, except for these:

Axis Text D1 D1_HN
Axis Text D2 D2_N15

Click OK.

The 2D spectrum should now be redisplayed with the correct referencing for each axis.

11.   Viewing an expanded-region contour plot

You can choose expanded regions with the cursor or by inputting numeric parameters:

Select the View/Limits/Set Limits command (or click the Zoom icon in the toolbar). Drag a box around the region that you want to expand.

When you release the mouse button, the region selected expands to fill the window. The plot is still in intensity mode, hence the contour levels are not shown.

Select the View/Limits/Manual Limits command.

In the control panel that appears, the parameters are filled in with the values of the current plot.

Set these parameter values to expand the region:

D1_HN lower 7
D1_HN upper 9
D2_N15 lower 104
D2_N15 upper 141
Limit Type ppm

Click OK.

FELIX displays the new 2D region.

You can save these parameters and reuse them for other plots; for example, if you were analyzing a series of spectra collected with different mixing times and always wanted to observe identical regions.

Select the View/Plottype/Contour menu item to redraw the region as a contour plot.

FELIX now plots the 2D matrix in contour mode, with a color-coded intensity scale.

12.   Changing the 2D drawing parameters

If no peaks are visible, try decreasing the contour level to cut lower into the spectrum. If the peaks are outlined but you do not see the circles shrinking to define the tops of the resonances, try increasing the level multiplier to increase the space between levels:

13.   Showing the grid display

Select the Preference/Plot Parameters command. Click the Axis button. Set Grid Spacing to 3 and click OK.

FELIX displays three grid lines between each pair of major tick marks.

Select the Preference/Plot Parameters command. Click the Axis button and then set Grid Spacing to 0 and click OK.

FELIX displays no grid lines.

14.   Returning to the full spectrum

Click the Full Plot icon in the toolbar or press <Ctrl>+f to return to the full spectrum.

Note: If you select Full Limits while in contour mode, the spectrum may take a long time to redraw for a big matrix. To stop plotting, press <Esc> on your keyboard. Then, redraw the spectrum in intensity map by selecting the Intensity option from the Plot Type combo box in the toolbar.

15.   Picking peaks

First, set the peak-picking parameters. Select the Peaks/Pick Region command. Leave the parameters at their default values, but set the Pick Region Mode to Define by Cursor. Click OK.

Use the cursor to drag out a box that includes the entire set of desired peaks.

FELIX displays red boxes around all cross peaks meeting the criteria defined in the control panel.

A new window containing the peak table is displayed to the left of the spectral window. Note that, by default, whenever a new window (table or spectral) is open, FELIX automatically re-arranges the layout of the windows. You can turn off this feature by selecting Preference/Frame Layout from the main menu and set Action to None. You can also do the automatic re-arrangement at anytime by selecting Window/Auto Arrange.

Note: When one or more table windows are open, only the menu and tool bar of the currently activated window are visible. If you want to select a certain menu item or tool bar icon, be sure to click the corresponding window first to activate its menu and tool bar (if any).

16.   Deleting peaks and replacing them

Activate the spectral window by clicking on it. Select the Peaks/Remove One command (or right click inside the spectral window and select Remove One Peak in the context menu). The cursor becomes a +. Click one or two red boxes to remove them, then click in the empty space to the left of the frames to return to a normal cursor.

Note: FELIX updates the spreadsheet when you remove peaks.

Select the Peaks/Remove Region command. Drag a box around a few peaks to be deleted.

Select the Peaks/Pick Region command and repeat the dragging to add another region of peaks.

Select the Peaks/Pick One command (or right click inside the spectral window and select Pick One Peak in the context menu) and click to add individual peaks. Click in the empty space to the left of the frames to return to a normal cursor.

Click the Zoom icon in the toolbar and zoom into a few peaks. Select the Peaks/Edit command (or right lick side the spectral window and select Edit One Peak in the context menu) to manually adjust the box defining a peak.

Click in the center of a red box of a picked peak. The box becomes green, indicating that it is selected for editing. Click the center of the box and drag to move the entire box or click near a corner of the box and drag to resize it.

To leave editing mode, press the <Esc> key while the spectral window is activated.

Select the View/Plot command to redraw the window (and clean up any broken lines or other details).

17.   Assigning the cross peaks

Activate the spectral window and click the Plot icon to clean up the display.

Select the Peaks/Name One Peak command and click one of the red boxes.

Set the following parameters to assign the resonance:

Item number 148 (or whatever it is listed as)
D1 peak name h1
D2 peak name null

Click OK, then press the <Esc> key to return to a normal cursor.

You do not need to assign the peak in both dimensions. You can label the cross peaks in one dimension at a time, as the assignment is made. This is usually how assignments are observed.

If you want to use the restraints list directly in the Insight II or Discover program, you have to use the Insight II proton names as the peak names. At the moment there is no check of atom names, so you may enter anything you want.

18.   Displaying assignments

Select the Peaks/Find command, select Find Peak By Name and set the Action to Color. Set the Peak Name D1 to h1 and Peak Name D2 to *. Select Yellow for Color. Click OK.

FELIX searches the assignment list, and colors the boxes surrounding all peaks with a label of h1 in D1 dimension in yellow. FELIX reports the coordinates of the peak on the status bar.

19.   Calculating volumes

To calculate the volumes of the picked peaks, select the Measure/Integral/Volume command. In the control panel, select the Measure All Volume option for Action. In the next control panel, leave the Peak and Volume set at their defaults. Set Volume Slot Number to 1 and Mixing Time to 0.1. Click OK.

FELIX displays the BUILDING NEW VOLUME ENTITY control panel; set Total Mixing Time Slots to 6 and click OK.

You can now view the volume data with the Edit/Table command (selecting the vol:volumes entity) or write the volume data to a file with the File/Export/Table command from the main menu.

To calculate restraints from these volumes based on the two-spin approximation, you must open or create a scalar entity for the database, define a scalar pair, create the restraints (strong-medium-weak, or any other listed choice), and write the restraints file. The appropriate commands are in the Measure menu.

20.   Quit FELIX

To quit FELIX, select the File/Exit command.

Lesson 2: Analyzing Relaxation Data

In this lesson you learn to perform a relaxation analysis based on analyzing heteronuclear relaxation data. It is assumed that R1, R2, and heteronuclear NOE were measured as a series of 2D HSQC (or equivalent) spectra. The data used are parts of the relevant spectra acquired for apocalbindin D9k (Akke et al. 1993).

1.   Setting up for the lesson

See "Setting up tutorial files" on page viii as needed.

Locate the files listed below in the 2D\Lesson2 folder. Each is required for this lesson.

t1_1.mat t1_7.mat t2_6.mat

t1_1b.mat t2_1.mat t2_7.mat

t1_2.mat t2_1b.mat noe1.mat

t1_3.mat t2_2.mat noe2.mat

t1_4.mat t2_3.mat noe3.mat

t1_5.mat t2_4.mat noe4.mat

t1_6.mat t2_5.mat relax.dba

2.   Start FELIX

Start FELIX by double clicking the Felix icon on your desktop, or by clicking the Start button on the Windows taskbar, then selecting Programs/Accelrys Felix 2004/Felix 2004.

If FELIX prompts you to restore from last session, click Cancel.

Change your Current Working Directory to C:\Felix_Practice\2D\Lesson2\ using the Preference/Directory... command. Open the relax.dba database using File/Open... Make sure the File Type is set to DBA (*.dba). Click OK.

The name and path of the database file appears on the title bar of FELIX main window.

Note: Most of the commands for relaxation analysis are in the pullright menu that appears when you select Measure/Relaxation. In the following sections, we call this pullright menu the "Relaxation menu."

3.   Measure peak heights in the R1 series of spectra

Select the Measure/Relaxation/Measure Heights/Volumes... command. In the control panel, set these values:

Select the Measure/Relaxation/Measure Heights/Volumes... command. In the control panel, set these values:

Peak table xpk:peaks
Volume Table vol:t1
Number of Spectra 7
Measure Peak Heights

Click OK.

In the next control panel, FELIX prompts for the first spectrum in the series and some parameters.

Select the t1_1.mat matrix and set these values:

Volume Slot: 1
Relaxation Delay: (s) 0.03

Click OK.

FELIX plots the spectrum, repositions the peaks to their exact centers. and calculates the peak heights.

When the spectrum selection control panel appears again, you need to specify file names and parameters for the remaining spectra in the same way as you did above.

Enter the following values (in this sequence):

File name Slot Relaxation Delay

t1_2.mat 2 0.11
t1_3.mat 3 0.24
t1_4.mat 4 0.48
t1_5.mat 5 0.96
t1_6.mat 6 1.5
t1_7.mat 7 2.94

Click OK.

To view the volume table, select the Edit/Table... command from the FELIX toolbar and double-click vol. Next click Filter, then t1, and click OK.

FELIX displays the relaxation delays in the last row of the table.

4.   Evaluate the signal/noise ratio for the peak heights

Select the Signal/Noise Ratio... command in the Relaxation menu. In the control panel, enter:

Number of Spectra: 1
\Volume Entity: vol:t1
Error Entity: vol:t1s
Evaluate: Peak Heights

Click OK.

In the next control panel, enter:

File name t1_1b.mat
Relaxation delay: 0.03

Click OK.

FELIX calculates the peak heights in this duplicate spectrum, calculates the average height difference between this spectrum and its twin spectrum, and derives the uncertainty of the volume determination.

FELIX reports these values in the text-prompt window. If you have more than one duplicate time point in your relaxation series, the uncertainties for the other time points are interpolated or extrapolated. For a single duplicate measurement, the uncertainties are promoted to the other points.

To view the S/N table, select the Edit/Table... command from the FELIX toolbar and double-click vol. Next click t1s and click OK.

FELIX displays the uncertainties in the last row of the table.

5.   View a time course

Select View Timecourse via Cursor in the Relaxation menu and then click a peak in the displayed spectrum.

FELIX plots a graph of the peak height vs. relaxation delay, including error bars. Due to the good S/N in the spectra, the error bars may not be immediately apparent.

To see details more clearly, maximize the frame, clicking the Maximize button in its upper-right corner.

Click the Restore button to return the graph to its original size.

To view a time course by entering a peak number, select View Timecourse via Item in the Relaxation menu and enter a number in the dialog box.

FELIX displays the corresponding time course or informs you that no such peak number exists and lets you try again.

To print the plot use the FELIX printing function (either click the Print icon or select the File/Print... command).

FELIX uses data from the currently active tables to display the time courses. If you want to view data from different tables, use the Preference/Table... command to assign another relaxation table.

6.   Fit R1 values to the time courses

Select the Fit R1/R2/NOE command in the Relaxation menu. In the control panel, select Fit R1 Timecourse and click OK.

In the second control panel enter:

Volume Table vol:t1
S/N Table vol:t1s

Click OK.

FELIX now fits the time course data to the exponential function:

Eq. 1    

and derives the relaxation rate R1 from the coefficient a2 in the exponent. FELIX reports the relaxation rate R1, its standard deviation, and the c2 value for each fit in the text window.

FELIX stores the following in the table rel:r1: relaxation rate R1, the raw coefficients for the offset a0 and linear term a1 in the function, and their standard deviations.

In addition, FELIX stores the c2 value of the fit for each time course.

To view the rel:r1 table select the Edit/Table... command from the FELIX toolbar and double click rel. Next select r1 and press OK.

If you now view a time course, FELIX plots the fitted function in red, along with the experimental peak heights. This lets you visually judge the quality of the fit. You can print the plot by clicking the Print icon.

7.   Evaluate R2 data

To evaluate R2 data repeat Steps 3 through 6 with these values:

File name Slot Relaxation Delay
t2_1.mat 1 0.004
t2_2.mat 2 0.032
t2_3.mat 3 0.092
t2_4.mat 4 0.180
t2_5.mat 5 0.300
t2_6.mat 6 0.702
t2_7.mat 7 1.300
t2_1b.mat 0.004

The t2_1b.mat is a duplicate spectrum. R2 time courses are fitted to the simple exponential function:

Eq. 2    

and the general exponential function:

Eq. 3    

Whichever function yields the lower c2 value is used to derive the R2 relaxation rate. FELIX reports the R2 value, its standard deviation, and the c2 value in the text window and also tells you which function was used.

All the fitted values are stored in the table rel:r2, analogous to the R1 data (see Step 6).

8.   Evaluate heteronuclear NOEs

Select the Fit R1/R2/NOE command on the Relaxation menu. Select Evaluate NOE in the control panel and click OK.

In the next control panel enter:

Peak Table: xpk:peaks
Volume Table: vol:noe
Measure: Peak Heights

Click OK.

In the third control panel, select noe2.mat as the spectrum with 1H saturation and click OK.

In the fourth control panel, select noe1.mat as the spectrum without 1H saturation and click OK.

FELIX plots the first spectrum, repositions peaks to their exact centers, and measures peak heights. Then it plots the second spectrum and measures peak height.

In the fifth control panel enter:

Peak Table: xpk:peaks
Volume Table: vol:noes
Measure: Peak Heights

Click OK.

In the sixth control panel, select noe4.mat as the duplicate spectrum with 1H saturation and click OK.

In the seventh control panel, select noe3.mat as the duplicate spectrum without 1H saturation and click OK.

FELIX plots the first duplicate spectrum, repositions peaks to their exact centers, and measures peak heights. Then it plots the second spectrum and measures peak heights. Finally it reports the NOEs and their standard deviations to the text window and stores them in the table rel:noe.

To view the rel:noe table, select the Edit/Table command from the FELIX toolbar and double-click rel. Next select noe and click OK.

9.   Generate Modelfree input

Once you have all R1, R2, and NOE values evaluated and stored in the database, you can generate an input file for the Modelfree program (A. G. Palmer, Columbia University, http://www.hhmi.columbia.edu/ palmer/).

Select Modelfree Input from the Relaxation menu. Enter the following values in the control panel:

Nucleus: N15
Spectrometer Frequency: 500.13
Number of Simulations: 200
Rot. correl. time (ns): 4.25
Step: 0.2
Modelfree file name: mfin.txt
Tmest file name: tmest.txt

Click OK.

Now you have initial input files for the tmest and Modelfree programs. For more information about working with Modelfree, please refer to its documentation and to the scientific literature.

10.   Exit FELIX

Exit FELIX by selecting the File/Exit command