The Felix New Format
The Felix New Format data header parameters.
Some customers have asked for more information about the
Felix New Format data header. A Felix New Format data
file consists of a pre-header(byte key), a header, and
then one or more spectra. The header itself consists of
some initial general information about the file followed
by one or more frames which contain spectral parameters.
The first word of a Felix New Format data file contains
the byte key. The second word contains the number of
words in the header. This is often 256 for example. The
next 256 words contain the header information. The first
5 words of the header (words 1 to 5) contain the Number
of Frames (1), Data Format (floating point), Frame Size
(32 words), an unused parameter (default=1) and the
Felix Version Number. The actual spectrum specific
information is stored in the header frames. Currently
only one header frame is actually used but the original
idea was that multiple frames could be used to store the
information for the various dimensions in a
multidimensional experiment for example. Thus the Frame
Size parameter is the size of the header frames. This
should be left at the default of 32 words. The Number of
Frames parameter is the number of these header frames
that are contained within the header. This should be
left at the default of one header frame. Note then that
only one header frame will be present and it will be
located at words 95 to 126. This is where the actual
header information will be found. The rest of the header
will generally just contain a series of integers which
will indicate the corresponding point number in the
header that the number corresponds to. Thus point number
127 in the header will contain the integer value of 127
etc. After the 256 header values then the data records
will start. The first number in the data record is an
integer which indicates the number of words in the data
record. The actual floating point data values will
follow this number. Multiple data records may be present
for multidimensional data.
For more information about this see Table 24. Felix Data
File Formats in The Felix Data Format section of
Appendix D. Data Transfer and Conversion of the Felix
User Guide.
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